The paper posted below resulted from just under three years of work at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility. The big result is that we were able to engineer a big change to the 20+ MW neutral beam system such that the beams can change their voltage during plasma shots. Lots of tokamaks use neutral beams […]
SULI Student Highlighted by DOE
I serve as a mentor in the undergraduate research program at DIII-D and one of my students from 2015 was shown as a highlight by the Department of Energy (DOE)! The highlight is from a DOE presentation dated February 19, 2016, but I only recently found it. The presentation is an overview of the multiple […]
Ion Cyclotron Emission in the Presence of Beam Ion Losses
I recently participated in the European Physical Society’s 43rd Conference on Plasma Physics where I gave an oral presentation concerning ion cyclotron emission in tokamaks. Besides having the cool abbreviation of ICE, ion cyclotron emission is interesting because it might be something that can be measured in ITER to provide an indication of the confinement of energetic ions. […]
Consideration of neutral beam prompt loss in the design of a tokamak helicon antenna
This is an engineering paper concerning the design of an antenna that was installed in the DIII-D tokamak. There are particle beams on DIII-D that provide up to 20 MW of heating power for the plasma. In this paper, we simulated a few scenarios in which an appreciable fraction of this beam power hits the […]
Curriculum Vitae
David C. PaceDeputy Director DIII-D National Fusion Facility General AtomicsSan Diego, California, USA Education Honors and Awards Professional Activities Research ExperienceTeaching Experience Publications and Presentations Co-author Publications Education University of California, Los Angeles, USAPh.D., Physics, 2009M.Sc., Physics 2003Committee Co-chairs: G.J. Morales and T.A. Carter San Diego State University, San Diego, California, […]
Mapping and Uncertainty Analysis of Energy and Pitch Angle Phase Space in the DIII-D Fast Ion Loss Detector
The following work is a technical diagnostic paper concerning a method for calculating the uncertainty in a probe that measures energetic ion losses in the DIII-D tokamak. The fast ion loss detector (FILD) measures the pitch angle and the energy of these ions that hit it at the outer wall. That measurement is incredibly valuable […]