Minimizing interactions between fusion plasmas and device walls in fusion energy reactors is essential. A single point of boron injection can be sufficient to cover the entire targeted surface, a huge simplification for using this technique in reactors.
Last month I participated in the TechCon SoCal panel, “Powering the Future: The Strategic Importance of Energy Advancements.” Commercializing fusion energy requires the participation of clever startups and broad industry in order to get it done.
DIII-D‘s first Fusion Materials Industry day brings together 3 companies that will cooperatively utilize a run day at DIII-D to advance their technologies. Tokamak Energy: advanced tungsten materials Avalanche Energy: MPEAs, ceramics Thea Energy: pebble-rod tech
Great to see local interest in fusion as San Diego’s KPBS toured the DIII-D National Fusion Facility. The video segment below serves as an introduction to the concept of fusion energy. Now we need to bring them back to watch an experiment!
Machine learning techniques were used to train a model that optimizes the safe rampdown of fusion energy reactors. New research from the DIII-D National Fusion Facility.
Following experiments at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, an improved model achieves better accuracy in describing particle behaviors in fusion environment.