During a recent trip to my hometown of Stockton, California (on Google Maps) I visited the local Buddhist Temple. It was quite a coincidence that just before leaving for Stockton I saw an episode of Road Trip with Huell Howser in which he toured the city. That episode visited some areas of Stockton that I had never seen, including the temple. The temple and some other attractions were also recently highlighted in the local newspaper”s Seven Wonders of the City of Stockton. Had I missed out by not visiting these places when I had the chance? In the case of the temple, yes (though there was no time to visit the other places anyway).

The Wat Dharmararam Buddhist Temple (located here) features more than a dozen large statues. These were suggested to one of the monks in his dreams through visits by Buddha.
On the day I visited there were no other people around (except for the two with me who provide scale in some of these images). This was nice for being able to see the displays but unfortunate because there was also no one to talk to about their meaning and place in Buddhist history. We saw a monk while on our way out and did not have the opportunity to speak with him. The signs and plaques on the displays are all written in Cambodian. Information packets are probably easier to find on busier, more touristy, days.

My personal favorite is the seven daughters display shown below. Notice the person behind the second daughter on the left for perspective.

Also in Stockton

Stockton is also home to the “Creepiest Christmas Tree Ornament Ever” (not found at the Buddhist temple). Shown in the image to the right, this ornament features a moving head and reflective eyes that appear to follow passersby. While it did not make the seven wonders list this year the outlook is positive for next year.
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