If you’re driving anywhere between San Diego and Houston this week, then keep an eye out for the most powerful magnet in the world. It should be pretty easy to spot. ? ?
Today, we complete the DIII-D 2021 experimental campaign! 18 weeks of operation to perform 2,521 plasma shots in support of 72 experiments. Fusion energy research is so much fun ? Next week we start a 5-month vent to make upgrades.
Shoutout to my colleagues for shipping a piece of the world’s strongest magnet! Headed to the ITER fusion energy facility. Wrapped unit shipped, next one to go is shown unwrapped.
Every two years, the international fusion energy research community gathers to share results at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. For this year’s online-only event, our lab has a video tour! Watch the trailer, or the whole tour.
Learned how to tune decision trees in R (RStudio) with some practice Airbnb data. Image is pruned tree indicating that price for a listing actually decreases as you increase average monthly reviews by customers. Don’t get excited, this model has poor R2.
Sixty-five years ago, San Diego provided land in the “remote” Torrey Pines area to a new atomic energy research lab. Today, the fourth generation of that research, the DIII-D National Fusion Facility has 700 participants and a 200 person on-site team of skilled personnel.