A San Diego sunset harbor cruise is something that both tourists and locals can enjoy. This might be a poor photo, but it was a wonderful experience.
This basil plant had been doing really well, but the bugs found it and devoured it. Looks like a good time to research insect repellant methods.
My lab switched to using Zoom for teleconferences and it works very well. I know that the particle physics people use BlueJeans and seem to like it. In grad school teleconferencing was horribly unreliable, but it looks like it’s been figure out since then.
I thought for sure there would be a sprite living under this mushroom.
I led a project at work and it resulted in the first mobile app ever published by General Atomics, a plasma/fusion calculator called Plasmatica This is an exciting day 🙂
“Fusion reactor” is a phrase that seems to prevent all further questioning. For example, Friend: “Why are you so busy?” Me: “We only have a two week period to do maintenance and new installations inside the fusion reactor.” Friend: “I see.”