My LAMP class research project involves investigating what people want professionally as a function of their age. If you’re interested in contributing a data point, then please take this survey (19 questions, a few minutes of time):
Unfortunately, it’s easier to defeat a single super villain than it is to educate the world about environmental science. Science Ignorance as Cause of Catastrophic Events
Just became a co-author for the 50th time, but still far away from a 50-time first author ?
In fusion research, there are instances of press coverage that grossly misrepresent the status of the field or of one project. With that in mind, I can appreciate how artificial intelligence developers would be upset by a puppet that is advertised as AI: Hating Sophia the Robot
I had to look up how to include tagmojis in a post created within WordPress on a desktop. The answer is that OS X makes it easy to do so. How have I gone so long without using emojis in posts?
Garbage Shot: Bee at Night