Consider how well you demonstrate empathy, then watch this Cleveland Clinic video about Empathy (4 min.), and then notice how you feel that your level of empathy has increased.
Our toddler successfully opened a door for the first time this weekend. What she really opened, however, was a whole new world of worry for me.
After 68 days in the system, the journal switched my paper status from “Review Started” back to “Securing Reviewers” ?. Did the original reviewer surrender, is the paper that bad?!
My LAMP class research project involves investigating what people want professionally as a function of their age. If you’re interested in contributing a data point, then please take this survey (19 questions, a few minutes of time):
Unfortunately, it’s easier to defeat a single super villain than it is to educate the world about environmental science. Science Ignorance as Cause of Catastrophic Events
Just became a co-author for the 50th time, but still far away from a 50-time first author ?