After removing the Facebook app from my mobile, my battery life is considerably improved. While in the lab with poor reception (and the app installed), I used to go from full battery to 30% in about 4 hours. Big surprise to me.
Oddly fascinating photos of an animatronic T. Rex on fire at a park in Colorado. Example photo from the Royal Gorge Dinosaur Experience. ??
It used to be difficult to pick out the most exciting thing going on in fusion research, but then our colleagues at MIT made it very easy!
The President’s proposed budget for the Department of Energy in 2019 removes 168 full time Ph.D.’s from the fusion research program (page number 178). This 22% reduction is about 4 people from every hallway at our lab. This is a proposed budget ?
In the year 2 A.C. (After Children), I finally got back to being able to run 10 miles. It was a very slow run ?
Just received a report in which the referee commented that I need to add a citation to one of my previous papers. For some reason, I feel like that is an incredible compliment.