Just finished a 20-week experimental campaign and ready to begin a 12-month shutdown period for major upgrades. One thing to notice is that our DIII-D website and DIII-D Wikipedia pages need a lot of work. There is way more excitement than those pages convey!
Broke a pair of loppers in the yard yesterday. I’m mostly bummed out, but also feeling a little bit tough ?
Whenever we have a training session for legal issues, it consists of a lawyer reading off a list of lawsuits. Similar to safety training, I think they are purposely using a training-by-fear technique… which totally works.
While hosting an international conference of experts on fusion plasma diagnostics, I had the privilege to teach a Hungarian scientist that margaritas are typically made with tequila. His previous margarita experience was in Cuba, where they are made with rum. The more you know ?
The Physics of Plasmas paper corresponding to my APS Invited Talk is now available and free to read: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5016160 We changed the way we shoot massive particle beams into the reactor. Go science!
I can summarize the advice from every talk/poster review I have had as, “take what you have, throw it in the garbage, do this instead.” The net result is that my talks and posters are pretty good ?