While hosting an international conference of experts on fusion plasma diagnostics, I had the privilege to teach a Hungarian scientist that margaritas are typically made with tequila. His previous margarita experience was in Cuba, where they are made with rum. The more you know ?
The Physics of Plasmas paper corresponding to my APS Invited Talk is now available and free to read: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5016160 We changed the way we shoot massive particle beams into the reactor. Go science!
I can summarize the advice from every talk/poster review I have had as, “take what you have, throw it in the garbage, do this instead.” The net result is that my talks and posters are pretty good ?
After removing the Facebook app from my mobile, my battery life is considerably improved. While in the lab with poor reception (and the app installed), I used to go from full battery to 30% in about 4 hours. Big surprise to me.
Oddly fascinating photos of an animatronic T. Rex on fire at a park in Colorado. Example photo from the Royal Gorge Dinosaur Experience. ??
It used to be difficult to pick out the most exciting thing going on in fusion research, but then our colleagues at MIT made it very easy!