Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 26 of 320: ? Goodbye Neutral Beam Now that we see you out of the hall You had the grace to hold off Many, many kilovolts
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 25 of 320: our scale model (used for tours) is now sporting a neat interactive screen (lower right). Bonus: if you view the full size image, then you can read the highlight statistics on the boards above the screen.
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 24 of 320: two great accomplishments yesterday; the first crew entered the vessel to perform a survey (see clean suits, now we can start installations), and the particle beam was fully separated from the tokamak. ⚗☀?
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 23 of 320: spool #1 of the neutral beam is out of the machine hall. ??? ???
Plasmatica has ten user ratings and they are all 5/5 ? As an app for plasma physicists, I’m surprised that (a) ten users were willing to provide a rating (there are no requests made by the app), and (b) that scientists could rate something without absolutely picking it apart!
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 19 of 320: separating the particle beam segments to allow removal. The screwdriver-shaped prongs ensure alignment between these pieces. For scale, I could stand up in the middle of those prongs.