Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 60 of 320: concrete cutting begins today! White plastic room encases the concrete cutting area, while the yellow plastic is protecting the sensitive optics of one of our laser-based diagnostics. Plan is to not get dust everywhere.
Eye-opening moment: The original title to our new house, issued 1948, states that only “members of the Caucasian race” may live in the house or be on the premises for an extended period of time. In California, just one lifetime ago, there were still whites only neighborhoods.
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 58 of 320: when refurbishing power supplies means changing cable connections related to the few hundred magnetic field probes installed in the tokamak.
A collection of flora and one fauna from the backyard. ? ?
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 57 of 320: power has been removed from all of the Control Room desks in preparation for the new ceiling, carpet, and access ramps. One desk remains available in the corner, and that will be removed later this week.
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 54 of 320: cutting out the entry port of the particle beam so that we can install a bigger one. This should make maintenance easier. These photos show the outside and the inside view, with the outline to cut (see starter hole).