My favorite little guy, complete with baby feet in the photo. ? ?
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 80 of 320: after filling four dumpsters full of concrete and dirt, we have removed just shy of 100,000 pounds of material from the machine hall. This was necessary because we need a new slab to support the upgraded particle beam. ?? ??
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 79 of 320: I thought our new signs were pretty great, but then someone mentioned that the institutional logos look small and now that’s all I notice. ?? ???
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 78 of 320: the new concrete slab has been poured. This reinforces the wall as necessary to allow a 50 ton particle beam to “swing” across it (it moves slowly, not really swinging).
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 75 of 320: a pallet of lead bricks was delivered with a large Fragile Material indicator. If I was selling lead bricks, I would put a sign on them that read, “If you can actually break these, then they are free of charge!”
Started getting website visits from the IndieWeb Webring. Also, learned a little about some IndieWeb people.