Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 67 of 320: today is the day of rejoicing. The air conditioner is fixed! ⛄
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 66 of 320: foundation for the new particle beam has arrived. The arc on this large steel structure represents the region over which the beam will be steerable. Now we’ll just cut out some concrete and drop this into position ?? ??
The Google Play Console is so difficult for me to use. I want to see a data table of the number of Plasmatica installations per country, over the lifetime of the app, and that appears to be impossible?! This is a simple display for an iOS app from iTunesConnect.
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 65 of 320: bringing data from inside the machine hall to the outside world requires making it past the radiation shield. Fiber optics meet at a patch panel that connects the bunch from the diagnostic to the bunch that pass through the wall.
He’s living the life we all wish we could live. ? ?
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 60 of 320: concrete cutting begins today! White plastic room encases the concrete cutting area, while the yellow plastic is protecting the sensitive optics of one of our laser-based diagnostics. Plan is to not get dust everywhere.