Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 110 of 320: the rebar in the concrete pad for the particle beam has to be electrically isolated (see black insulators). If the rebar forms electrical loops, then those would produce stray magnetic fields that negatively impact the beam.
The first-ever DIII-D Diagnostics t-shirt, celebrating 2018 as the Year of the Photon ?. I offered this to the group and interest was way above what I expected.
Our work has just been selected as a Department of Energy highlight! The project actually started with internal company resources and made it all the way to application. Also, they list me as the contact ?
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 106 of 320: we have said goodbye to our 2018 SULI students. It’s impressive how much they can achieve in only 9 weeks. I guess that’s what intelligence + unlimited energy can do!
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 102 of 320: Physics Today has a neat article about Quantum Calorimeters, which are devices that can measure the energy imparted into a detector by a single photon with high accuracy. Our Livermore Lab colleagues are actually building one for DIII-D, but it will not be installed during this […]
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 96 of 320: discovering that the limiting factor in how much work can be completed is our ability to pound through Design Reviews. Endless Meetings! ?