Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 177 of 320: looking through an open port to see the center post of the tokamak. Some tiles have been removed from the center post, allowing us to see the magnetic probes beneath.
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 169 of 320: welding continues with two crews working simultaneously. Whatever you do, do not watch that arc ⚡️
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 166 of 320: welding of the high strength steel begins! The frame rail (blue/silver with arc) is laid on top of the concrete base, but extends beyond it. Separate beams are visible beneath the frame rail, and now all must be welded together.
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 165 of 320: Is Microsoft Project the most complicated piece of software ever created?
Making Our Fusion Reactor Better, day 164 of 320: parking lot demolition began yesterday. This particular area of parking will be reserved for handicapped access, which means that it needs to made level… and it was far from level to begin with ?
Two toddlers = compost pile that is 80% banana peels ?