Learning how to use a staging site to test big changes to the website. This is amazing! I did learn, however, that a straight database transfer is a bad idea because it changes your site address to the staging site address. Should go smoother next time ?
He chose to climb up into the bouncy house, and then he regretted it.
At some point, the birds start watching you.
After 18 years working in nuclear fusion research, I’ve left that field for a new career. It really hit me when I looked at my blog tagline and had to change it from “mostly fusion” to “formerly mostly fusion”
Pruned two olive trees… weekend chores complete ?
I just finished the (online) Bloomberg Market Concepts course and it was pretty neat! Two finance professors strongly recommended this while I was in school, but I didn’t have a chance to take it. If you are interested in learning about the basics of finance and the global economy, then this might be worth doing. […]