At the end of the unpredictable year that was 2020, I was asked to return to fusion research as part of a team focused on energy production. Between the exciting DIII-D Team, and the unifying plan of the entire U.S. fusion community, I’m ready to do my part. Week one complete!
I made an office space in the room, and then he relocated his afternoon nap to the couch behind me. He even stays there when I’m on conference calls; what a good boy! ?
Parenting MomentMe: “It’s inauguration day!”Kiddo: “You mean coronation day?”* and then we played the Frozen soundtrack *
Security camera found an intruder ?
My staging site sent duplicates of all my posts to Yikes! My apologies for any flooding of your timelines. There’s another lesson learned for me.
Today I Learned: the primary key setting and auto-increment calls in an SQL import file occur at the end. If the import failed, but very nearly finished, then it’s possible that all your data is present, but the tables have incorrect settings and you will not be able to change anything. That education cost a […]