Every two years, the international fusion energy research community gathers to share results at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. For this year’s online-only event, our lab has a video tour! Watch the trailer, or the whole tour.
Learned how to tune decision trees in R (RStudio) with some practice Airbnb data. Image is pruned tree indicating that price for a listing actually decreases as you increase average monthly reviews by customers. Don’t get excited, this model has poor R2.
Sixty-five years ago, San Diego provided land in the “remote” Torrey Pines area to a new atomic energy research lab. Today, the fourth generation of that research, the DIII-D National Fusion Facility has 700 participants and a 200 person on-site team of skilled personnel.
Our lab is so excited about using Discord to improve remote participation in nuclear fusion experiments that we wrote a press release about it. It really works ? ?
Straight from the Office of Science, the future of fusion energy in the U.S. is a path of substantial investment and an effort to improve the inclusivity and growth of the people who do the work. Exciting times!
I had a nice pile of art from the kids’ preschool in my passenger seat, which is also where I toss my face mask while driving. It was a surprise when I went in to work yesterday and got complimented on my “pretty glitter mask.” ?